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Public won’t tolerate interim govt staying for a long time: Fakhrul

BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir today said the public would not tolerate an interim government staying in power for a long time.
“One survey claims that 80 percent of the people want this government to stay as long as it pleases. I don’t know where or how they got this, but the people will never accept this,” Fakhrul said during a discussion.
“Today, a newspaper published a report citing a survey. I can’t say for certain who conducted this survey. They mentioned BRAC Institute. I don’t know how they carried out the survey,” he added.
“When saying or reporting such things, I believe they should be done thoughtfully to avoid creating confusion. We must be careful about that,” he said.
The BNP leader expressed concern over the activities of certain groups aiming to prolong the interim government’s tenure.
“Several organisations and groups have already started working to keep this interim government in place indefinitely,” he said.
“If they make all the changes and implement the reforms, there will be no need for the public or the parliament,” he added.
Reiterating the BNP’s stance, Fakhrul said, “We have called for an election under a neutral government, and it must be free and fair. Now there is a neutral government.”
He further said that after the elections, elected representatives should decide what reforms or changes are necessary.
“The parliament will decide whether to amend certain aspects, rewrite the constitution, or even discard it and bring in a new one,” he said.
“I am deeply surprised when I see highly educated individuals, who hold important positions in society, making misleading statements,” Fakhrul said.
He said, “I am astonished that some of those entrusted with responsibility by this government are now saying that a new party needs to be formed.
“Who gave them this authority? Where did they get the mandate to form a new party?” he questioned.
“How are we, the people, supposed to trust that they are acting impartially?”
Fakhrul called for immediate reforms to ensure a free and fair election.
Demanding immediate national election, Fakhrul said, “The minimum reforms necessary for a free and fair election must be implemented.”
“For instance, the Election Commission must be reformed. Administrative and judicial structures need the required changes. These changes must be made immediately to facilitate the election.”
He also demanded the withdrawal of fabricated cases against BNP activists, which he claimed number over 1,45,000.
“I call upon the government to immediately withdraw the harassing and fabricated cases against our activists.”
Additionally, Fakhrul urged the government to compensate the families of those killed or injured in the student-led protests.
He added, “There are still individuals in your administration who have worked to extend the fascist regime. These individuals must be identified and removed immediately.”
